Quantitative Skills Center
The Quantitative Skills Center is here to help you in any course that has a quantitative component. We have students come to us for help from Math, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics, Business, Economics, Chemistry, Psychology Statistics classes and more. If you aren’t sure, just stop by and ask! We will do our best to help.
Welcome to the QSC!
We can help with all your number needs
And are excited to be back in person to assist you!

“Without this help I wouldn’t have gotten an A.”
“You are able to ask students for help, which somehow seems to be less intimidating.”
“They are willing to go slowly through the material and help you a great deal.”
Drop-In Hours Sessions
We have daily drop-in hours at various times Monday - Thursday. Drop-in hours are a time where you can meet with trained tutors in the QSC to discuss problems and concepts, check over your work, or just hang out with some really awesome people! Feel free to come in to these sessions to study and do your homework so you can ask questions as they come up. The sessions are designed so you can come and go as you please.
Course Mentor Sessions
Students enrolled in MAT 106/107, PHY 101/102, and PHY 111/112 have course mentors who hold weekly sessions led by a peer tutor who works with your professor to provide support for your course.
Video Tutorial of the QSC services:
Our Top Three Questions
Yes! During Drop-in hours tutors will be waiting for students to come in. You can find the Drop-in schedule here.
We aren’t here just for math courses! We can help with any quantitative classes from the Computer Science, Business, Economics, Physics, Environmental Science, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, and more!
It’s easy! Click the following link,http://washcoll.mywconline.com/
We provide a lot of services at the QSC, but we do not do the following:
- Do your homework.
- Create solutions.
- Write up interpretations.
- Write computer code.
- Analyze your data.
- Lecture
Yet, we will do our best to assist you in doing all of the above!