International Programs and Partnerships
International programs and partnerships held by the Institute of Religion, Politics and Culture at Washington College.

University of Oxford
IRPC has a long-standing partnership with the University of Oxford, one of the leading universities in the world. At Oriel College of the University of Oxford, IRPC conducts its 4-credit Oxford Research Seminar program, which gives students the opportunity to perform research under the supervision and mentorship of Oxford University Faculty Members. Philosophy majors and religion minors attend almost every year and receive major/minor credit. Several philosophy students completing the seminar have later been accepted to graduate programs at Oxford and other top-tier British universities. Our participating philosophy majors consistently find it one of the highlights of their undergraduate career.

Charles University
IRPC also partners with Charles University in Prague for a distinctive summer course in Prague, Vienna, and Cracow, with a study trip to the extermination camp at Auschwitz. This distinctive program brings together students from around the world for an intensive examination of the role of religion in cultural and political life. Founded in 1347, Charles University is located in the historic center of the picturesque city of Prague, once the capitol of the Holy Roman Empire.

Cincinnatus Scholars are also eligible to participate in an annual May program in Paris. Questions about international programs? Contact IRPC Director Joseph Prud'homme at jprudhomme2FREEwashcoll